I had the opportunity to visit a community centre in Worthington, Ohio this week to take a few fitness classes. I did 4 classes: Muscle Mix, and 3 Zumba® workouts. Each class had a different instructor. Here are my thoughts about each class:
Muscle Mix - Tina

I was totally new to the place and the instructor did not offer help with set up. There seemed to be quite a bit too, as some participants already had a step, a Bosu, a pair of light and heavy weights and a mat (turned out these were tucked away, so I only found the equipment after someone came in late and headed for the cabinet to get set up). It struck me that the instructor didn't even notice that I had only found a Bosu and nothing else -- hmmm. The workout was fine, technically, if a bit old-school. Good warm up, and all components of the class were there... but considering the amount of equipment, there was a lot of single-joint action (i.e. bicep curls) without engaging any other training techniques. I admit, I hopped up on the bosu for most of the stationary curls and lifts, just to get some core training in as well. What the heck, it was right in front of me! The instructor was using positive words and motivating language, but was somehow only moderately engaging. What was lacking was sincerity. "Good job" doesn't mean much when she is not actually looking at anyone! I couldn't help but notice that, while she performed all the exercises and all the reps, she didn't appear to be in all that great shape herself. I admit I was sore over the next few days -- I'll blame that on the workout being 'different' enough to shock my muscles. Overall, a bit disappointing, mostly because the description on the handout did not match the experience in the class.
Zumba® with Vicki
Fabulous, inspiring workout! Vicki has the personality, the energy
and the technique all rolled into one. Not only did she interact during class, she even greeted me in the change room when she
noticed the Zumba® logo on my workout gear. In class, she used some great techniques to create feelings of success. She noticed one student (okay, it was me) doing the Samba move quite well, and invited me to the front of the class with her for a few moments during the song. What fun! Later, she mentioned a song and asked, "who loves this one?" and then invited a few participants to come up to the front row to do the song with her. Excellent way to engage the class! Everyone was jazzed, the room was packed. I was so taken with her class, that I "tweeted" about it when I got home. Thanks Vicki -- I might just try some of your fabulous interactive techniques next time I teach!
Zumba® with Sharon
Good workout, fun class! I was initially disappointed that Vicki was not teaching, as she was listed on the schedule, but I guess she needed a sub for some reason. But I was not disappointed once we got started! Sharon has the most amazing hips. Couldn't keep my eyes off her booty... probably shouldn't admit that, but it's true. (Okay, in part, that was because she only used the face the mirror teaching style... I'd love her to turn around and face the group, so we can see her smile too!) Her choreography was simple but challenging enough to be super fun and a fab workout. The hardest part for me was following the steps when she used a song that I have used in my classes! I naturally wanted to do my next move, and of course her moves were different... and great! Loved the challenge and the perspective. Stole a great combo from her for "Jump in the Line" so anyone who does class with me in the next few weeks can try out Sharon's fun choreo!

Oh, and as an aside, I met a nice young lady named Erica who was wearing these cool things on her feet during class -- and I noticed she wore them home too. They are the next best thing to bare feet, apparently, for those who like to go barefoot and still be served in a restaurant!
Zumba with Laura?
Her words were right, but posture, tone of voice and energy were soooooo not there. Her words said "Hi, how are y'all doing?" but her shoulders were slumped and there was no eye contact. Her moves were the same; she kind of 'phoned them in'. I couldn't follow her hip circle combos because I didn't really know what she was trying to do. Same with the arms; they were kinda up there doing something, but not sharp or defined. Just smile, hon, it would have helped... and maybe a snack a before class, or some caffeine? The solution for me was to see what she was kinda-sorta doing and make a decision to define the arms or the move in a way that made sense to me, and gave me the workout I was after. It worked. I still enjoyed the music and the basics of the choreography (which was really quite good -- it was only the execution that was lacking). After class, a regular participant came up to me and said "I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed watching your energy, rhythm, and excitement during the class. You really inspired me!" -- hmmmm. Too bad some of that didn't rub of on Laura, or Lori, or Lauren... sorry, I didn't catch the name!
Tell me what you like/don't like about your next fitness class!
We'll talk soon!
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